I take part in the survey (estimated duration: 5 minutes)

Freely accessible sports facilities are plentiful in the public spaces of the Region. Football and basketball courts are probably the most well-known. There are also beach volleyball courts, pétanque courts, table tennis tables, skate parks, athletics tracks, and undefined public spaces (lawns or paved areas).

These facilities encourage physical activity and social cohesion through free sports and recreational activities. They also help enhance public space.

They are available to everyone, but are they used by everyone? Do they allow everyone to engage in sports activities? What are the areas for improvement or barriers to using these infrastructures?

Share your experiences and ideas

Perspective is conducting a survey among people who use these spaces or who would like to use them. The responses will contribute to a reflection on the inclusivity of these facilities, as well as their quality.

A Two-Part Analysis

In addition to the online survey, a field survey is ongoing at various sites across Brussels. One of the first observations is that only 10% of the users of these freely accessible facilities are women.

The field survey only reaches a limited number of people and does not capture the opinions of those who do not use these facilities. The online survey aims to gather feedback from a broader audience.