Do you have a question about sport in the Brussels Region or in connection with the use of the sport.brussels website? We probably have the answer. Check out the frequently asked questions.

If you do not find satisfactory answers below, please send us a message via the contact form.

The sports activities displayed during your searches are made up of all the information for which we have data encoded in the database. If a sports activity is not displayed, it means that no organisation is currently offering it on the site. The sport may also be included in another, more general category.

The data encoded in the database and which appears on sport.brussels is used by the Brussels Region to carry out territorial analyses on sporting topics. It may also be made available to the partners of sport.brussels (COCOF, VGC, Brussels Local Authorities, Brussels communes) for more specific analyses.

Your login or password forgotten ? click here http://manager.sport.brussels/Identity/Account/ForgotPassword and enter your email address to retrieve it.

If you are the manager of the information you wish to see on sport.brussels, you will need to encode it via the management tool in the name of a sports organisation. It will then have to be validated by the managers of sport.brussels and will then be visible on the site.

If you do not yet have an account to encode your data, follow this link: http://manager.sport.brussels/Identity/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2F 

The sports news is offered by those involved in Brussels sport (associations, clubs, federations, municipalities, ...). If you are the manager of a sports organisation and you wish to share a news item, you can suggest it via the contact form. Depending on our editorial line and the planned schedule for the various publications, we will assess whether it is possible to share this news.

To find out what information of a personal nature is present in our databases, please contact us via the contact form. You can still, make data invisible to the public via the XXXX coding module. You also have the right to request that your data be deleted. For all information about our data use policy, see page Privacy statement

If you notice incorrect information on sport.brussels, please contact the facility manager, the club manager or the event organiser. He/she will be able to correct it directly.

If this is a piece of general information not specific to a particular event, facility or sports organisation, please report this error via the contact form, we will do our utmost to correct it as soon as possible.

If you notice that information is incorrectly translated on sport.brussels, please contact the facility manager, the club manager or the event organiser. He/she will be able to correct it directly.

If this is a piece of general information not specific to a particular event, facility or sports organisation, please report this error via the contact form, we will do our utmost to correct it as soon as possible.

If you notice that information is missing on sport.brussels, we would ask you to contact the facility manager, the club manager or the event organiser. He/she will be able to send you the link to the missing item or will be able to encode it in the database if this has not already been done.

If you are the manager of the organisation responsible for the information you wish to see on sport.brussels, you will need to encode it via the management tool. It will then have to be validated by the managers of sport.brussels and will then be visible on the site.

If you do not yet have an account to encode your data, follow this link: http://manager.sport.brussels/ 

To remove information about yourself, please contact sport@perspective.brussels. You still can make data invisible to the public via the encoding module,. For all information about our data use policy, see page Legal notices.

Have you read the document on the Subsidies page ? Here you will find all the information on the sports subsidies available in the Brussels Region. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact the institutions responsible shown on the page. sport.brussels does not have subsidies available for sports matters. There is therefore no use contacting us in this regard.