
Sports federations are sports associations whose purpose is to bring together other smaller associations, usually sports clubs or regional leagues. Federations recognised by public authorities play a decisive role in the development of a sport by organising competitions and supporting affiliated clubs.

Click here for the list of the National Sports Federations active in Belgium, as well as their respective French and Dutch speaking branches, if any.

Fédération sportive de bowling francophone
Bowling French-speaking league
Fédération sportive des Pêcheurs francophones de Belgique
Fishing French-speaking league
Fédération Sportive Francophone des Sociétés de Tir Aux Clays
Shooting - Clay Pigeon Shooting French-speaking league
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles de Danse Sportive
Dance French-speaking league
Fédération wallonne des clubs de parachutisme
Air Sports - Skydiving French-speaking league
FROS Multisport Vlaanderen vzw
Gezinssport Vlaanderen vzw
Golf Vlaanderen vzw
Golf Dutch-speaking league
G-Sport Vlaanderen vzw
Disabled Sport Dutch-speaking league
GymnastiekFederatie Vlaanderen vzw
Gymnastics Dutch-speaking league
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