Pumptrack is a new cycling sport practised on a BMX or dirt bike. Children learn to "pump", i.e. ride on an asphalt track without pedalling, using their speed and body movements to move forward. It is the ideal activity to improve coordination and ease on the bike, whatever your level. In the afternoon, children practice various other sports: swimming, ju-jitsu, volleyball, hockey, gymnastics, etc.
- Age group :for children aged 8 to 12
- Registration: Through the Ride Your Future website.
- Special conditions: It is essential that children can already cycle without small wheels and without assistance.
- Location and welcome : (from 8am to 5pm): Laeken Multisport Centre, Kerkeveldstraat 73, 1020 Laeken. Pumptrack lessons take place at BXL Pump Park.
In partnership with the City of Brussels
Target Audience
Childs (6-12)
Monday 14/04
Friday 18/04
Rue Dieudonné Lefèvre, 17
1020 - Laeken
Accueil et garderie des enfants au complexe sportif de Laeken - Rue du Champ de l'Eglise 73, 1020 Bruxelles